Friday, August 14, 2009

Coral Castillo Gains

Coral A. Castillo
UC San Diego

Personal: I think we all grow when we are able to surrounds ourselfs with new experiences. We had the opportunity to work with our peers and develop friendships. I think I develped a better sence of who I am and what I can do in this world. We for many reasons forget the impact that we can have on others and on our environment.

Cultural: The womas batik group was as excited to learn abou us as we were about them. They shared their stories and experiences with us. It was a great cultural experiece to be able to make our batik. These women make them to provide them with a secondary income, a support group, and to provide community empowerement.

Academic:The picture to the right shows the Kho Phra Tong sea turtle office. I think this is a good picture that depicts the academic research I did with Monica, the Noucratis sea turtle expert. This office provide me with alot of history and descriptions of sea turtles nesting habitats

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